It came, it finally
came!... the big one!
Yes a Toy Story quote IS
appropriate for a Ninja Turtle review because there’s actually a bit of story
to this toy – see what I did there? I am a fucking whiz at this writing lark.
Mondo previewed these 1:6 scale TMNT figures in 2015, apparently making 1:6
scale figures is the perfect way to make toys of things that someone else
already has the master licence too because everyone’s doing it, in fact there
are multiple 1:6 Scale and bigger TMNT coming out/already out in 2016 &
2017, Mondo have the rights to make figures accurate to the Mirage comic
series. Buyers could choose between a regular edition of the figure or a deluxe
edition of the figure – which is the same but with an extra accessory – but if
you subscribed (to receive all four Turtles) you got the deluxe edition at the
price of the regular edition, which is nice because the deluxe editions are a
bit of a rip off, certainly for Leonardo. Leonardo was due out 1st
Quarter 2016 and each Turtle would ship in a subsequent quarter (so Donatello
in Quarter 2 and so on), this figure turned up on the 10th of
January 2017, making him a year late. Mondo had an issue with completing the
whole ‘buying from them’ thing in 2016, mostly they have an issue with the ‘sending
you what you ordered’ bit. Some of it due to them being a bit eager to put the
items up for order (possibly a side effect of needing to have the order to have
them made? They are a pretty small company) and some of it might just be
standard delays that happen sometimes, especially when you’re jumping from
vinyl figures to a full collectors' figure line but I honestly have no idea why
exactly Leonardo is so late. Mondo claim to have sent me updates on these
figures but I can’t find them in my inbox, perhaps they’re lost amongst all the
emails they sent me telling me about all the other great stuff I could buy from
them despite the fact I had no reason to believe they would actually deliver
the fucking things. Which is good advice Mondo: don’t advertise spin-offs to
things you have not yet shipped (in this case: Mousers) and as far as at least
this buyer knew, may never ship.
But all of that shit is irrelevant now Leonardo is out there I guess, in a years’ time when you stumble across this review and try to buy him on eBay his lateness won’t matter at all. So Leonardo is the first of Mondo’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1:6 Scale Collectible Figures (name taken from AWESOME box) based on the artwork of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird from the first 11 issues of Mirage Studios’ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic book series. He was due for release in Quarter 1 2016 but ended up shipping in the last days of Quarter 4. Do I really have to tell you who Leonardo is? Ok for the sake of format: Leonardo is one of four baby turtles that were dropped down a sewer by a boy named Chet and exposed to waste products known as Mutagen from the company TCRI, really a front for stranded aliens called the Utom, a TCRI van was involved in a traffic incident that directly led to the Turtles being lost. The animals were found by an unusually intelligent rat from Japan called Splinter, who too was exposed Mutagen and named after artist from an old Renaissance art book Splinter found in a storm drain. Splinter trained his four ‘sons’ in the art of Ninjitsu to avenge his master Hamato Yoshi by killing The Shredder. Leonardo became the ‘leader’ of the four Turtles, the best student and the boring one, seriously if you find someone who grew up with the TMNT before Nickelodeon bought them and Leonardo was their favourite Turtle, don’t vote for them, they just want to be leader and can’t be trusted.
Can I talk about the figure
now? Good because it’s fucking amazing! There that is the whole review. OK, ok,
I’ll stop playing with him and type stuff. I’m sure if you’re a collector of
this scale, if you’re always pre-ordering from Hot Toys and the like, Leo might
not seem quite so special but I hope that even if that’s the case he still
looks pretty damn good. I do not regularly buy this scale, because it’s
expensive and large and money and space are two things I’m always a bit short
on, it has to be something REALLY important and the only thing more important
than the TMNT in my world is, well, sex I suppose, notice that breathing and
food are not mentioned. He’s big, heavy, detailed and feels and looks expensive
(which is good, because he was). The TMNT are a good choice for action figures
and especially for a company’s first/early action figure, as well as having a
large fan base their designs allow for heavy part reuse and for easy
integration of articulation points – basically they make you look good while saving
you money. Mondo have utilised the ‘parts reuse bonus’ well, as far as I know
all four Turtles will have the same bodies but with different belts, heads and
the odd unique hand. I’d complain about this but what else is necessary? It’s
not like these are the NickToon Turtles, in the comic they were all roughly the
same build and looked roughly identical from the neck down. Plus the body is
really nicely done with nice little things like sculpted nicks in the breast
plate to replicate how Eastman & Laird used to draw/shade them and tons of
nice texturing and detail on the shells, breastplates and arm and knee bands,
they’ve even bothered to sculpt the hands with the fingers just slightly wider
apart than would seem necessary for Leonardo so that the eventual Raphael
figure can hold his sais between his fingers – Mondo has utilized their TMNT
Parts Reuse Bonus well. Their TMNT Integrated Articulation Bonus not quite so
much, the figure is articulated to fuck, he has ball joints at his shoulders,
elbows & neck, swivel & hinge joints at the wrist, a combination of
ball joint and swivel joint at the hips, swivel joints at the biceps, two hinge
joints at the knees and a delightful combo articulation point at the ankles
that mean you can move and tilt the feet just about any way you’d ever want,
quite essential for duck footed characters like these who need that tilt to,
y’know, stand up. On further inspection his tail isn’t articulated but his
bandanna is, I cannot stress how much I appreciate an articulated bandanna even
though mine’s a little loose on the blue masked head. Perhaps most importantly
he doesn’t have an ab crunch, yes it helps achieve deep poses or
whatever but Turtles can’t bend like that
– that’s not how fucking shells work. So yes he’s articulated to buggery and
they’re all pretty good…except the elbow joints, they have great range but they
look fucking unsightly, making the arms look, well, just wrong, like Mondo fail
at anatomy. There’s no need for a ball joint there either when he has the bicep
swivel, so why not just use a set of two hinges and hide ‘em up the elbow pads
like they did with the knees? It’s not a deal breaker of anything it’s just
illogical. Oh and because of course I checked this, the figure really IS in 1:6
scale, being 10 inches rather than 12 (making him roughly five foot, the
correct height for a Ninja Turtle).
This is probably going to
be the only Quick Crappy Review I do where the accessories part is longer than
the actual figure’s part – mostly because I review a lot of Mattel and
Playmates stuff – Mondo’s Turtles are fucking laden down with accessories, they
have so many accessories they necessitated an additional plastic tray in the
box to hold them all. Just listing them will make this paragraph long, he comes
with: an alternate head, three alternate hands, a grappling hook, his two
katanna, a Utrom blaster (I came), four shuriken, an unmutated Splinter, his
own unmutated form and as this is the ‘deluxe’ version the ruined gauntlet of
The Shredder from issue 1 of the comic *takes deep breath*. As far as I
remember the shuriken, grappling hook, climbing claw hands and blaster will be
coming with all four Turtles. So let’s work through the list. The grappling
hook is nice but seems a little unnecessary for anyone but Michaelangelo, it
can’t be worn on the belts and just seems like it’s there to be another
accessory and make the figure feel more elite, the shuriken are also pretty
pointless, they’re lovely but Leonardo can’t really hold them in any meaningful
way, they only fit in the palm of his hand, which looks pointy and painful,
they were also a fucking bastard to get out of the packaging. Being a massive
mark for the Triceratons and all things linked to them I think the blaster is
gorgeous, and as the TMNT used them in the Turtles in Space arc they’re
appropriate too, mine is sadly the only case of bad paint apps on the whole set
though, the black for inside the barrel has splodged out all over the front of
it, making it look like it was painted with a massive brush by a child - sculpt
wise it’s beautiful though, like it was ripped from the comic by that crystal
Kirby had. The Katannas are perfect, they slot into his belt delightfully and have red handles, I have this weird
thing about Leonardo’s swords having red handles, don’t ask. Being a fan of
those first 11 issues and the micro series I’m incredibly glad to have the
ruined Shredder gauntlet, I wouldn’t say it’s iconic or anything but it’s
something from those issues that’s never been realised in plastic before and
it’s really nice and really accurate but it doesn’t justify the extra price for
me, sure I didn’t pay the extra price so maybe I should shut up but nah, it’s
not enough, too small, too unimportant.
Then there’s the mini-figures,
each Turtle is coming with their unmutated form – which looks to be the same
sculpt for all four - plus an additional mini-figure and because he’s a fucking
daddy’s boy, Leo gets Splinter. Love this idea, love it lots. Let me explain:
back in the days of yore when Playmates were producing the original TMNT action
figure line they did two things: they included ‘Sidekicks’ with certain
characters (most notably Muckman and Wingnut) and they

So, was he worth the wait?
*Sigh* yes he was. That doesn’t excuse releasing a figure so late or make it ok
to fulfil an order a year after you were supposed to but the toy is undeniably
fantastic, yes the elbow joints need to fuck right off and his exclusive accessory
didn’t feel of equal value to the price the exclusive version cost but they’re
somewhat insignificant when you have something that’s this nice (and this big)
in every other department.
Ha ha ha! Leo decapitated Raph! Cant get enough of this shit! Ha ha ha!